The Ten Faces of Innovation – One Pager
One page book summaries, like this one from Made to Stick, are a great way to keep the concepts…
June 17, 2013One page book summaries, like this one from Made to Stick, are a great way to keep the concepts…
June 17, 2013As April rolled around my first year of college, a friend suggested we both stay and take classes spring…
May 20, 2013Here are some apps, books, and related to what we covered in Think Group. It was a great conversation!…
May 18, 2013Goals can be fun. Matt Cutts (Google’s Search and spam czar) shows this in his inspiring TED Talk about…
November 6, 2012The best summer of my life was spent as a camp counselor at Navajo Trails Adventure Camp. The camp…
October 22, 2012I’ve attended several web development conferences over the past 2 years and each time I’ve left thinking, “I could…
October 14, 2012