From PSD to WordPress Theme: Bringing Designs to Life

I’ve attended several web development conferences over the past 2 years and each time I’ve left thinking, “I could present at one of these.” It’s not that I have an immense depth of knowledge, but you don’t need that to give an effective presentation. You just need the ability to clearly communicate complex ideas in a simple manner. When the call for speakers for WordCamp Boston 2012 came, I decided to apply. The rest, as they say, is history.

Here’s the video of the talk I gave at WordCamp Boston 2012 in July, entitled “From PSD to WordPress Theme: Bringing Designs to Life“. In it, I explain the process of taking a Photoshop document, slicing the images, then placing and styling them in WordPress using a combination of CSS and HTML.

Slides are available at:

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  • Brooke October 15, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    You did an amazing job. You should do more speaking events!

  • Matt November 29, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Am glad you did this. Was a great watch and something that I’ve been contemplating giving a go for a while now. It was nice to see someone who has taken the plunge and actually succeeded. Cheers.