Derek Christensen

The Lies and Fraud of My Hero William McDonough

This 20-minute video changed my entire perspective on architecture and the green movement. William McDonough has thrown green architecture into the spotlight for the last two decades. After watching the TED video below, I became it’s most fervent evangelist. I shared the link with everyone I could, ran to the library and checked out his book Cradle to Cradle (printed on polypropylene paper), and devoured it. To this day, every time I see a new building or consider building a house of my own I weigh factors such as environmental impact, energy creation and consumption, efficient use of light, orientation of the home for maximum thermal efficiency, and insulating building materials.

It could safely be said that this man, William McDonough, changed the way I see the world.  You can imagine how crushed I was upon discovering that this video contains numerous lies, most of the future projects mentioned have now failed, and McDonough himself has been a huge stumbling block to the progress of a movement he was instrumental in creating.

Fast Company wrote an exposee on McDonough entitled Green Guru Gone Wrong. I recommend reading the entire article. For your convenience, though, here are some of the highlights:

What’s the summary of the summary? McDonough is an impressive man, but he dreams on a scale much larger than he can deliver. His impressive gains are frustrated by his personal desire for wealth – Cradle to Cradle had incredible potential until he slapped on such high fees licensing fees. By attempting to control and own everything he created, potential partners were alienated and the growth of his ideas stagnated.

The future lies with green architecture and manifacturing, but it does not lie with William McDonough.

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