The State Park that Does Things Right
As I pulled up to the gate at Monadnock State Park in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, the first thing I…
April 6, 2011 -
Books, Braille, Corporate
6 Techniques to Get Anything You Want
Robert B. Cialdini is famous in academic and business circles as being an expert on the topic of influence.…
April 4, 2011 -
Content Creation vs Content Consumption
Would it be better to spend an hour a day reading and learning, or an hour a day writing?…
March 29, 2011 -
The Big Short
Serendipity is much more than a John Cusack movie or a place to get frozen hot chocolate in New…
March 28, 2011 -
Books, Braille
Browse more. Search less.
“Think about the library. Do people browse anymore? We have become such a directed people. We can target what…
March 24, 2011