Today is My Wandering Day
Long before I had kids, I loved children’s books. “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”, “Yertle the Turtle”, “Green Eggs…
August 2, 2016Long before I had kids, I loved children’s books. “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”, “Yertle the Turtle”, “Green Eggs…
August 2, 2016Two nights ago I was cooking chicken pot pie for the first time, and wanted to listen to something…
August 1, 2016I love commencement addresses. Hats off to Shane Parrish at Farnam Street Blog for posting about Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s…
June 15, 2016All buildings give their owners opportunities to recondition visitors’ expectations and to lay down rules of conduct specific to…
May 31, 2016True or False? Gallup believes most organizations are built on two flawed assumptions about people: 1) Each person can…
May 27, 2016The English word “serendipity” has a fascinating origin, coined by Horace Walpole, a British politician, historian, and author. The…
May 25, 2016